How long does shipping take?

We ship same day Mon-Fri for orders placed before 2pm. We use UPS and USPS.

Monday to Friday are considered working days. None of the delivery services are guaranteed services sadly.

Covid Exception - Please allow up to another 5 working days to deliver due to coronavirus delays should your product not arrive on time.

US (Domestic):

Fedex 2 Days Express (1-2 days) - Sent via Fedex and delivered within 2 working days, usually takes 2 days. Fedex don't deliver Saturdays.

USPS Standard (6 - 14 days)- Sent via USPS and usually delivered within 3 to 5working days however please allow up to 14 days. We are trying to move away from them due to poor performance.

Canada we use UPS:

Express (1-3 days) - Sent via UPS and delivered within 3 working days, usually takes 2 days. UPS don't deliver Saturdays.

Standard (3-5 days)- Sent via UPS and usually delivered within 3 working days however please allow up to 5 days.

International we use UPS:

Express/Express Saver (1-3 days) - Sent via UPS and delivered within 3 working days, usually takes 2 days. UPS don't deliver Saturdays.

Standard (3-6 days)- Sent via UPS and usually delivered within 3 working days however please allow up to 6 days. During shipping, goods can take up to 20 working days to be delivered due to customs procedures.

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Shipping & Returns